End User Licence Agreement
Our Children Australia Pty Ltd ACN 159 535 903 (OCA) operates the Website under licence from Nobelle Pty Ltd ACN 134 454 541 as Trustee for the Brook Family Trust (Licensor). OCA provides access to End Users on the terms and conditions contained in this End User Licence Agreement (EULA).
The End User would like to access the Program available from the Website to complete a parenting program. Definitions
Agreement means the terms and conditions contained in this document.
Content means text, data, speech, music or other sounds, visual images (animated or otherwise) in any form, or in any combination of forms as defined in Schedule 7 of Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth).
Child or Children means a person or persons under the age of eighteen (18) years.
Documentation means any user manual, guides, explanatory notes or memoranda that may or may not be supplied with the Program provided by OCA on the Website.
End User means a person that has agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, who pays a Subscription Fee to OCA that is granted permission to access the Content.
EULA means the terms and conditions contained in this End User License Agreement.
Fee means the Subscription Fee.
Family Consultant takes it meaning from 11B of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).
Family Counsellor takes its meaning from section 10C of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner takes its meaning from section 10G of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).
Force Majeure means an act of God, fire, lightning, explosions, flood or other natural disaster, subsidence, act of terrorism, insurrection, civil disorder or military operations, power or gas shortage, government or quasi-government restraint, expropriation, prohibition, intervention, direction or embargo, inability or delay in obtaining governmental or quasi-governmental approvals, consents, permits, licences or authorities, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes of any kind and any other cause, whether similar or not to the foregoing, outside of the affected Party’s control.
Insolvency Event means circumstances in which a Party takes any corporate action or any steps are taken or legal proceedings are started for:
- its winding-up, dissolution, or liquidation;
- the appointment of a controller, receiver, administrator, official manager, trustee or similar officer of it; or
- seeking or being granted protection from its creditors, under any applicable legislation.
Intellectual Property (IP) means all industrial and intellectual property rights including, without limitation, patents, copyrights, right to extract information from databases, design rights, trade secrets, rights of confidence, and all forms of protection of a similar nature or having similar effect to any of them which may subsist anywhere in the world (whether or not any of them are registered and including applications and the right to make applications for registration of any of them).
Subscription Fee means the amount of money paid by an End User in exchange for the right to use the Program for the Term.
Order means a final order, an interlocutory order, a direction and a sentence of a Court.
Party means OCA and the End User.
Parents means Guardians and vice versa.
Program means all features available on the Website accessed by End Users.
Term means the duration of the subscription to which the End User has the right to access the Content on the Website.
Website means the Program accessible from the URL www.parentingordersprogram.online.
1.1 Interpretation
Reference to:
(a) one (1) gender includes the others;
(b) the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular;
(c) a person includes a body corporate;
(d) a Party includes the Party’s executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns;
(e) to an amount of money, to $, $A or dollar is a reference to the currency of Australia;
(f) a statute, regulation or provision of a statute or regulation (a Statutory Provision) includes:
(i) that Statutory Provision as amended or re-enacted from time to time; and
(ii) a statute, regulation or provision enacted in replacement of that Statutory Provision.
(g) including and similar expressions are not words of limitation.
(h) where a word or expression is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or expression have a corresponding meaning.
(i) headings and the table of Contents are for convenience only and do not form part of this Agreement or affect its interpretation.
(j) a provision of this Agreement must not be construed to the disadvantage of a Party merely because that Party was responsible for the preparation of this Agreement or the inclusion of the provision in it.
2. Licence and Fees
2.1 Terms of licence
OCA grants End Users a non-exclusive, limited Licence to use the Program for the Term in exchange for the payment of the Subscription Fee. End Users agree that:
(a) the Program is to be used by one person only to complete the Separated Parents Orders Training program.
(b) Not to duplicate any certificate of completion received by them.
(c) the completion of the program is confidential to the extent that it must not be disclosed to any third party without consent, except where:
(i) the information is deemed necessary by an End User to assist with proceedings in a Court dealing with a Family Law Matter or a Domestic Violence Matter; or
(ii) is necessary for the health and safety of a Child; or
(iii) is necessary in order to prove consent of a Party as part of a Child’s education or health; or
(iv) is to be used by a Party for the purposes of obtaining legal advice or for the production to a Family Consultant, Family Counsellor or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
2.2 Fees
End Users agree to pay:
(a) the Subscription Fee to access to the Program on the Website for the Term; and
2.3 Refund policy
(a) There is no cooling off period associated with an End User’s Subscription.
(b) If the End User requests to cancel its access to the website and a refund of it’s Subscription shortly after commencement without completing any component of the program, OCA may, at its sole discretion, refund part of the Subscription Fee.
(c) No refunds will be provided however if the End User requests to cancel its access to the website and a refund of its subscription fee once it has commenced the program.
2.4 Specific prohibitions
End Users agree that they will not:
(a) use the Program for any purpose or in any manner other than as set out in clause 2.1;
(b) use the Program in any way that could damage the reputation of OCA or the goodwill or other rights enjoyed by OCA;
(c) permit any third Party to obtain access to the Program;
(d) de-compile, disassemble, decrypt, or otherwise attempt to reverse engineer the Program or permit any third party to do so.
3. account and termination
3.1 account and password
End Users agree to keep their username and password provided by the Website confidential. End Users are expressly prohibited from sharing usernames and passwords with third parties and must take all reasonable steps to keep this information secure.
3.2 Termination of End User’s subscription
(a) OCA reserves the right to limit, cancel, suspend or terminate an End User’s account by providing seven (7) days notice to the End User and without providing a reason if OCA believes the End User is breaching any of the material terms of this Agreement.
(b) End Users agree not to hold OCA liable for claims, demands or damages (including actual and consequential) of any kind for the closing and End User’s account for breach of these terms and conditions.
3.3 Ownership of Intellectual Property
(a) The Licensor retains all right, title and interest in and to all Intellectual Property contained in the Program.
(b) End Users acknowledge that they do not acquire any Intellectual Property Rights, either express or implied, in the Program and the Documentation beyond those contained herein.
3.4 No obligation to support
Provided that the Program functions and is fit for purpose, OCA has no obligation to provide support, maintenance, upgrades, modifications or new releases of the Program.
4. Warranty disclaimer
(a) To the fullest extent permissible by law, the Program is provided to the End User without any representations or warranties. End Users agree to access the Program at their sole risk.
(b) Nothing in this Agreement excludes, restricts or modifies any right or remedy, or any guarantee, warranty or other term or condition implied or imposed by legislation which cannot be lawfully excluded or limited. Such legislation includes the Australian Consumer Law which contains guarantees that protect the purchasers of goods or services in certain circumstances, each a Non-Excludable Provision.
(c) Subject to the Licensors obligations under the Non-Excludable Provisions, and to the fullest extent permissible by law, the Licensor expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind with respect to the Program and the Documentation, whether express, implied, statutory, or arising out of the course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade including any warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, accuracy, title of non-infringement.
4.2 Limitation of liability
Subject to the OCA’s compliance with the Non-Excludable Provisions and to the fullest extent permissible by law, OCA is not liable (whether in contract or tort) for anything an End User does to a third party as a result of using the Program:
(a) for any inability to use any third party equipment or access to data;
(b) for loss or corruption of data regardless of whether the loss is direct or indirectly caused by use of the Program;
(c) for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential loss or damage whatsoever, in each case, arising out of the use or inability to use the Program or Documentation, even if OCA has been advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages are foreseeable. Subject to OCA’s obligations under the Non-excludable Provisions and to the fullest extent permissible by law, in no event will OCA liability for all damages exceed the amounts actually paid by End Users to OCA for the use of the Program.
(d) To the fullest extent permitted by law, the liability of OCA for a breach of a Non-Excludable Condition is limited to:
(i) in the case of the provision of services:
- the supplying of the services again; or
- payment of the cost of an equivalent Subscription.
(e) Notwithstanding this clause 4.2 or anything else contained in this Agreement, neither party’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its own negligence shall be limited.
4.3 Limitation of liability
(a) Any loss or damage which is or may be suffered by an End User in connection with the use of the Program is expressly disclaimed by OCA. OCA limits its liability for breach of a warranty under this Agreement, or for a breach of a condition or warranty it cannot lawfully exclude to the extent permitted by law, and is fair and reasonable for Licensor to do so, to:
(i) a resupplying the Program; or
(ii) paying the Subscription Fee to the End User for the Term of the End User’s subscription.
4.4 Indemnity
End Users indemnify, defend and hold harmless OCA in respect of all actions, claims, proceedings, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, expenses and costs (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis), in connection with any of the following:
(a) any breach of this Agreement;
(b) any loss suffered because of the Transcription services provided by OCA;
(c) End Users negligent acts or omissions; or
(d) use of the Program, including any third party claims made in connection with, or arising out of, End User’s use of the Program and the Content uploaded.
5. Termination
5.1 Termination by OCA
(a) OCA can terminate this Agreement without notice if:
(i) it no longer has the right to provide the Program to End Users;
(ii) the Licence from Nobelle Pty Ltd ACN 134 454 541 as Trustee for the Brook Family Trust is terminated for any reason;
(iii) the End User commits a material breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
(iv) the End User’s subscription expires and a request for payment is not met after fourteen (14) days of OCA making such request.
5.2 Termination by End User
The End Users are deemed to terminate this Agreement if they fail to maintain the currency of their subscription.
6. Miscellaneous provisions
6.1 Assignment
OCA may assign this Agreement by notifying the End User of the Assignment. The End User cannot assign the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement without the express consent of OCA.
6.2 Entire agreement
This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties in connection with its subject matter and supersedes all previous agreements or understandings.
6.3 Governing law and jurisdiction
This Agreement is governed by the law applicable in the State of Queensland, Australia. Each Party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Queensland, Australia.
6.4 Intellectual Property rights
Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a transfer of any Intellectual Property Rights from the Licensor to the End User.
6.5 Severability
Part or all of a provision of this Agreement that is illegal or unenforceable may be severed from this Agreement and the remaining parts of the provision or provisions of this Agreement continue in force.
6.6 Survival
The following clauses survive termination of this Agreement clause 2.4, 4, 6.3 6.4 and 6.6 survive termination of this Agreement.